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Print condition of large format UV printer
Before using a large format UV printer, the surface of substrate must be treated, it means that we must spry a layer of... [View Details] -
What is a large format printing machine
Large format printing machine generally refers to the printer which print format is large than the width of A3 paper. S... [View Details] -
Why uv printer shoule be located and reset
Every time the uv fltbed printer is turned on or off, printer system will be initialized. The initalization includes lo... [View Details] -
The origin of chothing and textiles
Clothing and textile is an essential part of our life,and it seems to be very natural.Do you remember how them origina... [View Details] -
What's the difference between UV flatbed printer and 3d printer
UV flatbed printer as well as 3D printer is hot now. Both of them are digital printing machines, what is the difference... [View Details] -
Introduction of digital textile printing machine
Breaking tradition and realizing the real meaning no plate making, digital textile printing machine is a replacement ... [View Details] -
Classification and difference of ink in digital textile printing
Ink, a liquid containing a pigment or dye, which is used in writing or painting. With the wide use of printing and dyei... [View Details] -
The new revolution of ceramic printing in China
With people's pursuit of fashion, personalized, simple printing already cannot satisfy people's needs, this trend forc... [View Details] -
Personalized custom printing help enterprises to achieve design dreams
In recent years, digital printer,which support personalized printing,is becoming more mature, faster, higher quality, a... [View Details] -
Trends and Situation Analysis of digital printing
In the field of international printing,color printing of traditional printing grows at a rapid rate of 30%annually,and ... [View Details]
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